Construction Claims, Damages, Contract Audits & Related Services
Claims Services

We are generally able to separate fact from fiction, and to ensure that measurements made regarding the cost of labor, equipment, and mark-ups are clearly understood and reconciled between the bases of the bid and budget to the manners in which costs have been recorded and the claims are stated. Understanding and communicating how the gulfs between these items can be the difference between being able to settle a matter in a more brief amount of time or a more protracted event.
Our team has worked on many hundreds of claims, on numerous types of projects, ranging from several million dollars in value to several billion dollars of value. On the lower end of the scale, we have worked
on smaller new condominium projects or custom homes, and on the higher end of the scale, nuclear plants, new resort casinos in Las Vegas, the Brightwater Treatment Plant and Conveyance System, or microchip production plants for the largest chipmakers in the world. Within this range, we have addressed new hospitals, new port facilities, new university buildings, airports, hydroelectric facilities, manufacturing facilities, museums, convention centers, sports complexes, roads, tunnels, bridges, and all types of structural construction. There are likely few, if any, types of facility or construction that our personnel have not been involved with in some regard or another.
Historically, we have worked for the owner far more than for the contractor in the evaluation of claims. However, we have been flattered over the years to be asked, in light of this fact, to assist certain contractors prepare their claims, or to review and evaluate the claims of subcontractors presented to them. In all such matters, we endeavor to earn our reputation by working with and sticking to the facts of the matter, juxtaposed against our experience in the industry and understanding of the meaning of contract terms, as applied in our experience.